Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lining ceiling Gib for large area require back block to hold joints together. Fixing spacing at every 300mm at primeter and one at centre of Gib board on the ceiling batten. Gib adhesives is glue on ceiling batten avoiding any fixing points

Joint of two board is to hold with timber batten with nails between to puch joint up and creat a curve in for plastering

Polyster fiber insulation with R3.2 value use for ceiling and R2.2 for wall

Cutting by knife or saw, insulation should be cut and fit firm inside of wall space and not protude or having large gap allow air to flow through

Any small gaps should all be fill between the framing

Scriber is to be cut with protude out of joinery 3mm or more evenly. finish cut of 45 degree angle on bottom

 Soffit moulding joint with 45 degree cut and rebate side showing. moulding should be push tight against the soffit and wall cladding as mush as possible

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fixing weatherboard to the gable end is to use a ply sheet and cut an angel sample on each of the gable side and use it to scribe to end of the weatherboard for cutting

Use another off cut of weatherboard to mark out how much to cut on external corner of the wall. Drill the nail holes once the weatherboard is level and nail with aluminium rose head nail at bottom of the board to all batten, nailing pattern should be minimum 40mm from edge of the board and space no more than 600mm and vertically in line.

External corner will have tolerance for an open joint as it will be cove by corner soaker later. Internal corner will need to be notched with no gap shown.

Weatherboard will need to be fitted 10mm into the bottom and side of window & door joinery, head flashing may need to be scribed and cover by weather board above with 5m gap allowing water to flow out

Fix weatherboard by its full length and do not joint over opening, do not joint too close to another joint, line all nail fixing vertically and horizontally with pre-drill holes, no damage should be made to the face of weatherboard, cut all joints and corner with 45˚ cuts and prime all cut

Start from the bottom of the building and work your way up the wall. Set the first weather on the very bottom mark set with the story rod and temporary nail the top of the board on batten, level the top edge of the weatherboard and make sure there is 15mm cover over the vent strip

Fixing weatherboard, start by set 5mm gap from head flashing and dumpy level to all side of the walls, use string line or piece of weatherboard and set to that 5mm mark and check for level. Set out story rod for the house with spacing of weather board (in our case 162mm) and transfer the marking from the 5mm mark above head flashing all the way down. We can then chalk line every 162mm mark when fixing weatherboard